면역치료 #nk세포 #수지상세포 #암치료 도쿄종양내과 #신 수지상세포치료 #면역항암제#관문억제제 #표작암세포치료
제29회 국제개별화의료학술집회개최암 면역세포치료 2024. 12. 9. 15:34
제29회 국제 개별화의료 학술 집회 24년11월17일 개최 발표: Minako Abe(의학박사, 도쿄종양내과, 의료법인 박심후생회 부이사장) Empowering Health through Lifestyle Medicine In today's aging society, there is an urgent need to adopt a medical that focuses on not only treating illness, but maintaining health. Lifestyle medicine is a powerful approach that help individuals and communities prevent and treat chronic illnesses. Lifestyle medicine i..